This R package evaluates through the Bayes Factor whether two sets of samples come from the same Multivariate Gaussian distribution or not.

It currently implements a fast Gibbs sampler for the Multivariate Normal - Inverse Wishart model.


The package is not on CRAN yet.
It must be installed using devtools or remotes from this repository:

# install.packages('remotes')


Documentation is available on GitHub pages, or in the docs/index.html file of the repository.

Also see the vignettes:

Main functions


Writing Rd documentation

The documentation uses some roxygen2 Rd templates to enter parametrization/model details. These are stored in the directory man-roxygen. When updating Rd templates, one must pay attenton that:

  • LaTeX is supported only through the Rd \eqn{latex}{ascii} and \deqn{latex}{ascii} tags.
  • it is best to write plain Rd or roxygen2 tags rather than Markdown tags
  • sections must start with the \@section title: and end up after the Details. Do not forget the : at the end.


Bozza, Taroni, Marquis, Schmittbuhl, “Probabilistic Evaluation of Handwriting Evidence: Likelihood Ratio for Authorship.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 57, no. 3 (June 1, 2008): 329–41.